we start work     New year, new weather, more years and more auspiciousness. After spending a happy and peaceful Spring Festival holiday, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, we returned to work again to welcome the new year's work. Set off firecrackers, give out red envelo···
Release time: 2022-02-22
How to make good use of dry ice in low-temperature transportation such as medicine, pharmaceuticals, biological research, etc., so that dry ice can better serve dry ice medical cold chain transportationMedical dry ice is a refrigerant developed for the storage and transportation of temperature-sensi···
Release time: 2022-02-21
The configuration structure of the dry ice blasting machine is mainly divided into two parts:The first part is the dry ice preparation system: make liquid CO2 into dry ice particles or Dry ice cubes of certain specifications;The second part is the dry ice blasting cleaning system: the prepared dry i···
Release time: 2022-02-21
Dry ice is really versatile. Dry ice is suitable for various industries. Recently, the Swedes have designed a washing machine that does not use water. Technology can often make some tedious things in our lives interesting and easy. Taking laundry as an example, the Swedish electrical giant Electrolu···
Release time: 2022-02-21
The daily wealth comes with the spring, and the blessings come every year. The end of the new year is approaching, and Hefengli hangs lanterns and places blessing trees. The whole group is united and ready to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival. Come and see what festive, noisy, and high-spir···
Release time: 2022-01-27
01 May Day Pioneer  A group of Xiamen 2021 "May 1 Pioneers" were commended. Among them, the maintenance team of Xiamen Hefengli Dry Ice Decontamination Equipment Co., Ltd. won the honor of "May 1st Pioneer".< img src="/static/upload/image/20220110/1641793641302726.jp···
Release time: 2022-01-10
Boot steps:1. Check whether the air source and power supply are connected.2. Check whether the emergency stop switch is loose.3. Check whether the power is turned on.4. Check whether the working mode is in the first gear of ice production mode.5. Put in dry ice, close the ice door, press the switch ···
Release time: 2022-01-06
How to store dry ice:1. Dry ice must be stored in a special freezer, so that dry ice can be stored for 5-10 days. After the storage period, the dry ice begins to form ice clusters or even gasify, and the use effect will be significantly reduced. After each use, be sure to remove the remaining dry ic···
Release time: 2022-01-06
ADD:No. 18 Xinling Road, Houxi Industrial Park, Jimei District, Xiamen, China