How to deal with dry ice frostbite!

日期: 2021-10-27

When we use Dry ice cleaning machine, due to irregular operation, it may be frostbitten by dry ice. Once we are frostbitten, what should we do? Here is a brief introduction, hoping to help you in an emergency.

Dry ice is a very practical ice substitute that has been used in everything from artificial rainfall, cleaning equipment, and even making dry ice food. Because dry ice is less of a problem, it can cause burns if it comes into contact with human skin.

If you are really burnt, you must first move to a warm place immediately, keep warm and dry, and take off the surrounding clothes at the same time, so as not to stick the wound to the clothes and cause a more serious situation.

Then prepare a pot of warm water, the water should be sufficient, and the water temperature should be constant, so that it can be warmed locally within 20 minutes, and warmed all over the body within 30 minutes. Remember not to burn it with fire, and then send it to the hospital in time.


ADD:No. 18 Xinling Road, Houxi Industrial Park, Jimei District, Xiamen, China