2022 and Fengli Technology Part 1: HP-1000plus dry ice granulator

日期: 2022-05-30

     After more than 600 days and nights of exploration and research, Hefengli launched the HP-1000plus dry ice granulator, which creatively developed the XXX technology on the basis of the previous, and solved the contradiction between cavity strength and output and dry ice quality. This is a historic and revolutionary breakthrough in dry ice technology, representing the company's contribution to the promotion of dry ice industry technology.


In order to test the performance of the HP-1000plus dry ice granulator, we carried out a 300-hour overload test on it. The test started at 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 2022 and ended at 21:00 p.m. on March 30, 2022. The ice maker did not stop operation and production halfway. The total working time was 300 hours, and observation and record were made every 4 hours. The test results are as follows:



图1 干冰制粒机(HP1000+)产能变化曲线

    Figure 1 shows the change curve of dry ice granulator capacity with time. The weight of dry ice in a single box is measured by a scale and compared with the production time to obtain its capacity. From the figure, we can see that with the increase of working hours, the capacity of dry ice granulator is basically about 1060kg/hour.



      图2 干冰制粒机(HP1000+)油箱油温变化曲线

    Figure 2 shows the temperature change curve of the oil tank of the dry ice granulator. The temperature sensor is used for measurement. From the figure, we can see that with the increase of the working time, the temperature of the oil tank of the dry ice granulator is basically stable at about 40 ℃, far below the upper temperature limit (80 ℃).



图3 干冰制粒机气盖外结霜厚度变化曲线

     Figure 3 shows the frost thickness change curve outside the air cover of the dry ice granulator, which is measured directly with a steel ruler. The following figures show the status of dry ice granulator at different time periods:


图4 100小时后干冰制粒机管路结霜情况


               图5 100小时后干冰制粒机气盖外结霜情况

    Figure 4 and Figure 5 above show the frosting state of the equipment surface after 100 hours of production. At this time, the oil tank temperature is about 35 ℃, and the output is about 1070kg/h. At this time, the equipment parameters are normal, and the equipment operation is normal.


图6 200小时后干冰制粒机设备结霜情况

Figure 6 shows the frosting state of the equipment surface after 200 hours of production. The oil temperature is about 40 ℃ and the output is 1060kg/h. At this time, the equipment operates normally.


图7 300小时后干冰制粒机管路结霜情况


  图8 300小时后干冰制粒机气盖表面结霜情况

   Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the frosting state of the equipment surface after 300 hours of production. The oil temperature is about 42 ℃ and the output is 1060kg/h. At this time, the equipment operates normally.


     According to the test, the total weight of the tank before the production test is 835kg, and the total weight after the test is 384kg, that is, the actual weight of CO2 liquid used is 451kg, and the weight of dry ice produced is 205kg. It can be concluded that the actual dry ice conversion rate is 2.2, that is, 1 ton of dry ice can be produced per 2.2 tons of CO2 liquid, which meets the dry ice conversion index required by the design.



        图9 干冰实物图

Figure 9 shows the actual dry ice. It can be seen that the quality of dry ice is good. This dry ice can be directly used in the washing machine.


   After the 300-hour overload production test of HP-1000plus, it can be seen that the capacity is basically about 1060kg/hour, the oil tank temperature is stable at 40 ℃, the equipment is in good operation condition, the dry ice conversion rate is 2.2:1, and the dry ice produced is of good quality. To sum up, all indicators of this equipment meet the design requirements, achieve the expected results and meet the production requirements.


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Founded in 1999, Xiamen and Fengli, as the benchmark of dry ice industry, always adhere to scientific and technological innovation and lead the market. Investing a lot of manpower and material resources in technology research and development is one of the magic weapons of Hefengli to win in the past 20 years. Hefeng Li will successively launch the second and third chapters of science and technology on the official account. Please wait!

ADD:No. 18 Xinling Road, Houxi Industrial Park, Jimei District, Xiamen, China